Under-Graduate Projects

Radial Wave
Junior Year - 1st Semester
The goal of this project was to create an eye-catching piece of art at a given location in the building while connecting it permanently to the structure. Our group (3 members) was given a location that only provided us window mullions to support our structure. Once our location was given to us, we started to design a piece of art that would look intriguing and also fit into the structure of our assigned location. We decided to create a wave-like structure with the use of dowel rods, PVC, metal pipe, string, and clamps. Click here to see the entire project.

Residential Design
Junior Year - 1st Semester
This individual project focused on working with a client of our choice. We were to design a residential home for our client and the design would be influenced by their needs. Upon choosing our client we were also assigned a certain type of site (river, beach, cliff, or flat plain). I was given the river site which also influenced the design of this building. For the entire project description, click here.

City Museum Design
Junior Year - 1st Semester
The City Museum in St. Louis, Missouri, lacks the extraordinary entrance they could have on the east side of the existing building. They want people to be able to enter the museum easily without having to worry about crossing traffic. Due to the amount of old buildings in the area, each of which consist of a basic square shape, I decided to design a new museum entrance with a different style. The roof is transparent so it allows outdoor views and also lets in sunlight. The structure of the building was also designed with abstract style and reflective materials to allow visitors to interact with the building as they enter the museum. To see the entire project, click here.

Timber in the City
Junior Year - 2nd Semester
The challenge of this competition was to redesign a city block with buildings made from renewable resources and wood framing. The competition asked that a wood factory, fabrication lab, bike shop, and residential living complex all be built with the innovations of wood design. My partner and I wanted the center of the site to be the main focal point, so we designed a large green space there with the buildings surrounding it. Each building is either connected by bridge or through the pathways provided in the green space. To see more of this project, click here.

The Connected City
Senior Year - 1st Semester
The goal of the Connected City Design Challenge was to connect downtown Dallas to the Trinity River. Due to the highways segregating the two elements, the design of a college campus was designed. The existing highways would be buried creating an easier and safer connection from downtown to the college campus. The site's focus on the growth of the community and the drawing of students to the college benefits the growth of the city. To see the video animation and more information about the project, click here.

SI Airport Terminal
Senior Year - 2nd Semester
This was the most exciting under-graduate project I worked on while attending SIUC. The airport terminal at Southern Illinois (SI) Airport was closed because of structural damage. It was chosen to be demolished and have a new structure take its place. Before we started the project there were already designs done by a local architect, but none of them were finalized. We were told to individually design a new airport terminal and the surrounding site. Part of this design also included a structural analysis. To see my concept and video animation, click here.